Seven of Wands

7 of wandsThe Seven of Wands depicts a person “on top of the world” perhaps, yet struggling to defend what he already has. You are in a strong position for gain, yet may feel as if you’re on a precarious perch and you may actually be on one. It may be that others have their own ideas of how things ought to go and are foisting or hurling their agendas or judgments at you. There is a “fending off” kind of meaning here in this tarot card.

The Seven of Wands can signify conflict or challenge or opposition to your positions - or even the preparation of a defense which could even be a legal defense. Yet there is possible victory here as well. After all, you are the one on top.

The Seven of Wands indicates that you may be facing an upcoming debate of some sort and that debate may be in a public arena. If you are brave and go forth with confidence and clarity, you will succeed. Yet it is important to decide and clarify what, in your opinion, is worth defending and what is not. Then lay the necessary groundwork and come to the party prepared.

In relationships be clear minded and communicate honestly and straightforwardly in a well-intentioned, win-win kind of way. Learn to make clear and healthy boundaries. Don’t let anyone push you over the edge. Be sure, as well, not to get in your own way. Fear, worry, and doubt have no place here. Let those go and have the courage to bring your ideas to the table or to fruition. Know that everyone involved may not agree with your ideas or position. In business, you can become your own boss now or improve your status, with carefully laid plans. Keep your mind free from all negativity. Failure is not an option.